

Wrinkles and sagging skin, while common, can be upsetting for many people. When nonsurgical treatment methods are insufficient to slow or stop the signs of aging, there are other viable options worth considering. Our facelift surgery doctors can perform a mini-facelift for patients desiring a younger, less "tired" appearance. Your doctor may also recommend a standard facelift, brow lift, chin lift, or full facelift, depending on what you require. See some of these outcomes in our Testimonials section. Regardless of the procedure, be sure to follow your doctors instructions for before the surgery and after the surgery to ensure the best outcomes.

  The Best Candidates for a Mini-Facelift

If you exhibit a mild degree of the following signs of aging, you may be a candidates for a mini-facelift.

  • Jowling and creases between the base of your nose and the corners of your mouth
  • Loss of definition along the jawline
  • Sagging skin
  • Loss of skin elasticity and muscle tone in your face and neck
  • Facial and neck wrinkles

If you believe you lack a youthful chin and neck contours and/or feel like you have a tired facial appearance, a mini-facelift may be the answer for you. A mini-facelift is intended to give you a more rested and youthful contour to your face and neck.

Most mini facelift patients are in their 30s and 40s, with skin that is still elastic enough to “bounce back” from this less invasive procedure. This procedure corrects the early signs of aging and reduces the rate at which the lower part of the face ages in the future. This proceudre also corrects early jowl formation.

  The Mini-Facelift Medical Procedure

The mini-facelift is a less invasive technique compared with a standard (or traditional) facelift that focuses on the lower face and jawline, an area where many men and women see the earliest signs of aging. It is here where gravity begins to take hold, resulting in a sagging, less defined jawline and creases around the corners of the mouth. This may also create the appearance of a double chin and pre-jowls.

This procedure allows a cosmetic surgeon to tighten deep facial tissues through fewer and tinier incisions, typically located within the hairline (or along the hair margin) above each ear and/or in the natural creases surrounding the ear, extending down around the earlobe and ending in or below the hairline behind the ear. The subcutaneous layers and neck muscles are tightened, the facial skin is re-draped and lifted, and the excess skin is removed to provide a more youthful contour. Through these incisions, structural tissues around the cheeks are lifted and tightened to correct jowling, refine the jawline, and rejuvenate a “tired” appearance. A mini-facelift can help you address unwelcome signs of aging before they become too pronounced, postponing the need for more extensive surgery for many years to come.

Depending on the case, a mini-facelift may be performed using local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia; your doctor will recommend the best option for your individual needs.

  Return to your youthful appearance!

If you are experiencing wrinkles and sagging skin and are living with stress over the loss of your youthful appearance, we encourage you to contact us now. You can find the answers to the most frequently asked questions here. Our doctors in Korea will give you a thorough consultation and a detailed treatment plan, and provide you with an effective, lasting solution.

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