Instructions for After Your Surgery

  Your recovery from facelift surgery

Although multiple facial procedures might sound scary, the recovery process is very easy, and most patients have a much better recovery period than they expect. Improvements in anesthesia over recent years has meant more comfort for patients - less pain with minimal post operative sedation and nausea and a brisk recovery to “feeling normal.” The anesthetists in our team are highly talented and experienced in modern techniques and dedicated to keeping you comfortable.

Healing process

The healing process on the different areas of the face where you have surgery is going to happen at the same time. While it is normal to have some swelling, pain and bruising in the area - all of these can be dealt with using pain medication and individualized care prescribed by your doctor in Korea. As you heal, you’ll be advised to rest, avoid strenuous activity and walk around the house to reduce swelling.

Recovery time will vary depending on the kind of facelift you have undergone, whether it is a standard facelift, a mini-facelift, or a brow lift, chin lift, or full facelift. The slowest part of the healing process of the various facial surgeries is the “mid-face lift.” So, if that procedure is the best alternative for you, you can expect your healing process to take slightly longer.

Going back to your normal routine

Most people are able to resume their normal daily routine within one to two weeks, and normally, by the start of the third week, you will look and feel quite well.

Your doctor's instructions

Your doctor in Korea will offer specific guidance on your recovery period during your post-operative appointments. These appointments will cover post-operative care, restriction of activities, use of makeup if needed, and when you can resume normal exercise. Follow all instructions, including information about bandages, drains, taking an antibiotic (if prescribed), and the level of activity that is safe. Your doctor will let you know the signs of problems to watch for, such as signs of infection. Recovery time will vary by patient and the extent of your surgery.

Your doctor may adjust these instructions based on your individual situation, in which case, please follow your direct instructions from your doctor.

  Immediately after your facelift surgery

You will have dressings around your cheeks and neck. Additionally, your cheeks and neck will be wrapped with a bandage that compresses the area for one to two days to help prevent blood collections under the skin. Wear this exactly as directed. Remove it only as directed for cleansing incisions or showering. In some cases, a small, thin drainage tube may be temporarily placed under the skin for 1-2 days to drain any excess blood or fluid that may collect. It is not unusual to have some slight drainage for the first 48 hours.

Healing process

Expect bruising and swelling. These symptoms will peak within the first 36-48 hours after surgery and will gradually subside over the next 10-14 days. A steroid dose pack may be given for 5 days to minimizes swelling in the first 48 hours. To minimize swelling, recline rather than lie down, and sleep with your head elevated for a couple of weeks after the surgery. This will be more comfortable for you, and can reduce swelling. Always keep your head elevated. Do not bend forward or over.

A feeling of tightness in your neck is not unusual after surgery. Discomfort is usually felt behind both ears with a tightness across the neck and under the chin from ear to ear. The perception of the severity of this tightness varies from patient to patient. This sensation is strongest in the first 1-2 days after surgery while the bulky dressing is in place.


Pain is not typically problematic in facelifts, and in most instances a patient may experience a moderate pain in the first 24 hours. You will have a mild to moderate amount of pain and discomfort, especially around the incisions. This should be easily controlled with oral medications. If it is not, call your doctor. The discomfort and pain should start to decrease within 48 hours after surgery. Severe pain is rare; if you have a significant increase in pain after this period, call your doctor immediately.


You can usually drink fluids and eat a light meal two or three hours after surgery.


Do not drive after your surgery. Arrange for a relative or friend to drive you home after the surgery, take a taxi, or Korea Facelift Center can arrange transportation for you. Someone should also stay with you for at least the first day after the operation and preferably for a few days.

  The first week after surgery

During your first post-operative visit, the bulky dressing and usually the drains will be removed. You may be placed in a supportive elastic face garment that is to be worn according to your doctor’s instructions.

Healing process

You can expect that your face and neck will be swollen, and this can last for a few weeks. In general, stitches come out around 7-10 days. The most swelling typically occurs on day 4-5 post-operation as the steroid is tapered off and decreases on day 5-7. The bruising on your face usually peaks on day 3-5 and resolves over 2-3 weeks.

Do not take any aspirin or any anti-inflammatory medicines for two weeks before and two weeks after your surgery unless you first discuss it with your surgeon.

Apply cool (not cold) compresses to your eyes. Do not apply ice or anything frozen directly on the skin. Soak soft, white washcloths or gauze squares in ice water and wring out well. Apply directly to the eyes, but not to the cheeks or neck. Do not apply any pressure. Apply cool compresses for no longer than 20 minute intervals. Do not apply heat.

Stay up (sitting, standing, walking around) as much as possible after you return home. This helps to reduce facial swelling. It is recommended to sleep with your head elevated 40 degrees for two weeks; an additional pillow or two under your mattress may help, if necessary.

Avoid bending or lifting heavy things for one week. Besides aggravating swelling, this may raise your blood pressure and encourage bleeding.

Report any excessive bleeding that persists after applying pressure for 15-20 minutes.


You may not drive for at least a week after surgery. Please arrange for a friend or relative to drive you, or take taxis if you need to travel.


You may shower or bathe the day after surgery, but do not let the spray directly strike your face. It is okay to get your suture lines wet, however. You may wash your hair gently 24 hours after your surgery. Do not use the usual heat-type hair dryer; use the cap type or use the cool setting on the blow dryer.

  Two to six weeks after surgery

Within a few weeks, most facelift patients are back to their normal activities. Any bruising that occurs will be the slowest thing to resolve but make-up (even for men) can help camouflage that side effect. Do not wear makeup until you have been told to do so.

Healing process

Some residual bruising and swelling is normal, and may take up to a few weeks to disappear. Continuing sleeping with your head elevated will help to reduce the swelling. You may begin sleeping in a modified reclining position, but do not sleep lying flat or on your stomach. If you are a side sleeper, two pillows under your head and a soft pillow under your mid-back and shoulders may offer more comfort.

During the first 4-6 weeks your scars may appear red and be slightly firm and raised, then the redness fades and the scar softens. It takes a minimum of one year for the scar to achieve its final appearance.

You can expect to experience some numbness around your ear lobes, face, and neck for several weeks after surgery.

Depending on the extent of your procedure, you may need to take a few weeks off work to rest. Most patients return to work after about 2 weeks.


You may ease into your regular fitness routine, but refrain from any strenuous exercise and from bending or lifting. Don’t go swimming, diving, water skiing, or participate in strenuous athletic activity for at least one month after surgery.


Avoid direct sun exposure. Wear sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat. If you are outdoors, apply at least an SPF 30 sunscreen at least 30 minutes before sun exposure. Your face will be highly susceptible to sunburn or the formation of irregular, darkened pigmentation.


The decision is up to you when you want to return to driving. You must be able to brake, respond quickly, and easily turn to eliminate your blind spot. When these conditions are met you may resume driving, typically in the 2nd or 3rd week.


Most patients feel comfortable socializing in foreign environments (places and locations they do not usually frequent) at 3 weeks to avoid seeing close friends and acquaintances. At 3 weeks, healing is still taking place and will still be visible. You should be aware that you will not yet look like yourself for about 6 weeks.


Some patients experience a post-operative depression as they wait for the changes in their face to appear in weeks 1-3. It is not unusual for patients, no matter how stable and solid their lives may be, to experience some depression with any surgical face change, even when the changes are very positive.

  Six weeks to six months after surgery

Discomfort or tightness and tingling in your face will resolve. Be prepared to wait at least six months for your facelift to completely heal inside and out.

You can expect for the new appearance to emerge after a few months once all swelling has subsided, with results starting to become apparent after 2-3 weeks, with a good idea of expected results after 3 months. Results can last up to and over 10 years and will vary from person to person depending on lifestyle factors and your own inherent aging process.

  Discuss Your Facelift Today

If you are suffering from aging and sagging skin and it is becoming noticeable, we invite you to contact our facelift service today. You can find the answers to the most frequently asked questions here. Your doctors in Korea will provide a comprehensive medical history and facelift analysis that will allow them to provide each patient with an accurate diagnosis so that a patient-specific treatment plan can be put into action. Contact us now.

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