Frequently Asked Questions

  Q. At what age should I consider a facelift?

A. There is no specific age to undergo a facelift. Facial changes become noticeable after the age of 30, when collagen production slows, reducing in facial volume loss and increase in visible wrinkles. What is more important is that you are In good health to undergo the procedure, as well have the requirements for a facelift.

If you can pinch a good bit of skin in the areas of your face and neck that bother you, it may be time to consider surgical rejuvenation. A facelift typically looks more subtle and natural the earlier you choose to have the procedure. Thus it’s wise to stay on top of facial aging with smaller procedures at intervals. Still, a well done rejuvenation can look natural at any age. One thing that’s sure — facial rejuvenation is a worthwhile investment that is helpful to people in the peak years of their career, as well as in their social lives.

  Q. Can I achieve the same result as a facelift from non-surgical facial treatments?

A. Depending on how drastic you want the change and permanent or temporary results will determine whether a facelift is appropriate for you. If you only require subtle, and shorter lasting results, cosmetic injections and dermal fillers may be suitable for you. It is possible to achieve satisfying temporary rejuvenation and improve facial ageing from non-surgical facial procedures. Many women and men enjoy the refreshment and confidence boost of facial restoration treatments provided by regular cosmetic injections and skin treatments.

However, only a standard facelift or mini-facelift can permanently treat the skin and muscle sagging caused by the normal aging process, with results lasting up to 10 years. Alternatives to non-surgical facial procedures where a patient’s concern about facial aging is isolated to a more specific area of the face include a brow lift, neck lift, or facial fat grafting. These common plastic surgery procedures are used to address isolated problem areas with modern techniques that require minor incisions and leave minimal scarring. A consultation with one of our doctors will help you to make an informed decision on the right choice for you that meets your expectations.

  Q. Will I need anesthesia?

Facelift surgery can be performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia. Often a combination of general and local anesthetic is used. Modern anesthesia is safe and effective, but does have some risks. Your doctor in Korea will provide you with more information regarding the type of anesthesia that is recommended based on your specific case. Your doctor will ask you about all the medications you are taking or have taken, and any allergies you may have. Make sure you have an up-to-date list with you during your consultation.

  Q. Will my facelift scars be visible?

A. Scars are an inevitable part of any surgical procedure. Your doctor will take special care to minimize scarring and to keep your scars as inconspicuous as possible by locating the incisions in easily hidden sites and in areas where the scars look like natural wrinkles. That way, scars will be along natural skin lines and creases. Scars can be virtually invisible: narrow, flat, and well placed behind the ear so you can wear your hair close-cropped. They may also fade with time and become barely noticeable. If you are prone to scarring, you should advise your surgeon.

  Q. Can a facelift improve my eyelids too?

A. It’s not uncommon to hear the word “facelift” used when referring to any type of facial rejuvenation surgery, and understandably, a lot of people think that a facelift involves operating on the entire face — eyes, brow, cheeks and chin. That’s understandable; after all, your eyes and forehead are part of your face too. However, a standard facelift or mini-facelift on its own only addresses the lower two thirds of the face – the cheeks and jawline.

Why is this the case? It is largely due to differences in anatomy. The skin, muscles and other tissues along the brow and surrounding the eyelids are very distinct, and cosmetic surgery to each of these areas requires an entirely different set of techniques than those used during a facelift.

  Q. Can I combine a facelift with other procedures?

A. Yes, a facelift is often combined with a brow lift, neck lift, or facial fat grafting at the same time as a facelift. It can even be performed with rhinoplasty (nose job) or other body contouring procedures. But in these cases, your doctor will actually be performing two different procedures in one single operation. Likewise, patients who only want to address aging around the eyes or neck can typically achieve their goals with only an eyelid lift or neck lift, and not a facelift. This can be discussed further in your consultation.

  Q. When can I return to my routine after a facelift?

A. A facelift is a complex procedure requiring exceptional surgical skill, but the recovery process is surprisingly quick for most patients. Patients typically return to normal daily activities after about 2 weeks (strenuous exercise will need to wait about 4 weeks) following a standard facelift, and these time frames are normally even shorter after a mini facelift. As every patient heals a little differently, your cosmetic surgeon will give you detailed instructions for aftercare and returning to activity.

One of the primary concerns patients have following a facelift is how soon they will look presentable after their procedures, and understandably so – unlike a breast or body procedure, for example, you cannot easily cover the area with clothing. Bruising and swelling are normal after a facelift, and will be at their peak about 2 days after surgery. After that, bruising and swelling will gradually get better, and should be difficult to notice after about 10 to 14 days. Even so, many patients feel comfortable going out in public about a week or so after their procedures. Your cosmetic surgeon can advise you about when it is safe to wear camouflage makeup.

As you ease back into your routine after a facelift, it’s especially important to keep your face protected from the sun. You will be more vulnerable to sunburn for several weeks after surgery, plus staying out of the sun will help scars heal as inconspicuously as possible. Wear a wide-brimmed hat and apply sunscreen regularly.

Please see the detailed post-surgery timeline for more information.

  Q. How will facelift results look over the long term?

A. When performed by an experienced surgeon, a facelift is designed to achieve results that not only look natural now, but will also age naturally with you. Your genes, skin quality, and maintenance routine are important factors in the longevity of your facelift, but the facelift technique is the number one factor in determining how long the result will last.

Minimal facelift techniques with fast recoveries will last the least amount of time. The more extensive the procedure, the longer the recovery period will be, and the longer you will enjoy the results.

With mini-facelifts, a facelift with a small amount of skin undermining with limited facial tissue mobilization, recovery is fast and results can last up to five years. Standard facelifts require extensive rearrangement of the underlying facial tissues in addition to significant skin undermining, and the recovery is longer (two to four weeks), but the results generally can last over ten years.

While nothing can stop the normal aging process, after a facelift you should always look years younger than you would have without the surgery.

However, there are certain things you can do to keep your results looking their best. Maintaining a healthy, stable weight is important as significant weight fluctuations can cause skin to stretch out again. You should also adopt a consistent, quality skin care regimen to keep your skin healthy and protected from unnecessary aging.

  Q. Will I need revisional surgery?

A. As with all surgical procedures, revisional surgery may be necessary to correct minor irregularities. The results of a facelift usually lasts between five and twelve years. Most people can have two to three facelifts in a lifetime, depending on the extent of each procedure and the amount of scarring that occurs with each facelift.

  Q. What risks are there for facelift surgery?

A. As with any surgery, there are possible risks and even complications. Fortunately, significant complications from facelift surgery are infrequent. This surgery remains the gold standard for facial rejuvenation and is usually performed without any major problems.

General surgical risks are swelling and bruising, pain, nausea, infection, itching, and numbness. Surgical complications, although extremely rare, can include cardiac problems, allergic reactions, pulmonary embolism, and hyperthermia. Some of the risks specific to facial surgery are dependent on the procedures you are having done, but in general for facelifts, the specific risks are infection, bleeding, poor healing, injury to facial nerves (usually temporary but can be permanent), hair loss around scars, facial asymmetry, and excessive scarring. The potential risks and complications of the surgery will be discussed with you in detail at your preoperative consultations. You can help minimize certain risks by following the advice and instructions of your doctor, both before and after your facelift surgery.

  Q. Is facelift surgery right for me?

A. When you have a personal consultation with one of our Korea-based doctors, he will evaluate the nature and extent of your skin and face structure, the potential of improvement of your appearance, and the best procedures for your specific case. You can be assured that you will obtain an honest opinion here. If he feels that you are a poor candidate (perhaps too young, in need of health improvements, or have unrealistic expectations) you will be told outright. Contact us now to have a consultation with one of our doctors, who will give you advice on the best way to proceed.

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